Monday, June 21, 2010

Lessons in Driving

Advice:  Don't speed.  Just go the speed limit.  You aren't in that big of a hurry, trust me.

I get a speeding ticket about once every 10 years...that means I have 2 speeding tickets.  I don't usually speed, but sometimes I just lose track of how fast I'm going.  This ALMOST happened again last night.  Picture it...Colorado Springs last night.  It's a calm and balmy 77 degrees, around 8pm, as the sun sets over the Rockies off in the distance.  I'm driving down a 2 lane highway (speed limit 65mph), and I'm doing exactly 69mph...close enough (don't judge me).  Anyway, as some of you know, as I have unfortunately admitted to it publicly, I hear the Knight Rider theme song in my head in treachorous driving conditions.  Remember that last night, however, was a nice clear evening.  So I'm driving along and I remember that I ACTUALLY HAVE THE KNIGHT RIDER SONG IN MY CD PLAYER (I made it for my kids, ssshhhh).  So I think "I should play it" (wrong, I should not play it, I should not play it EVER when behind the wheel of the vehicle).   I go from a tame regular guy driving my Jeep to something that looks like this (below) to other drivers:

To me, however, it sounded like this: 

Just when I started getting crazy, and putting the pedal to the metal, my spidey senses tingled. 

So, I realized I'm not 17 years old, and I removed my foot from the pedal, and just set the cruise control for 65mph, and made it home safely without incident, without a speeding ticket, and with my a champion.

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