Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stupidity/Unemployability Index Measuring

This is how you measure your stupidity/unemployability index (simple diagram below -- line up a ruler w/ your waist)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bits of Wisdom

Objectivity is not virtuous enough a quality that you should sacrifice your humanity for it.  Have an opinion, and state your claims...don't worry about being right or wrong.  If you don't wake up in the morning, scratch, spit, and think that your team is going to win the World Series this year, then you aren't a true fan.

Note: The Atlanta Braves are going to win the World Series this year!

You can fit 6 DVD's into a single disc DVD player.  My children taught me that (as many of my friends actually know). 

I don't know what NASA was using for those falling foam tiles in their attempts to stick them to the the Space Shuttle, but the strongest substance known to man is the melted crayon on the floorboard of a Kia Sedona....worth a shot. 

Neal Boortz:  All men have the same amount of testocerone.  Some just choose to use theirs to grow hair.  Their choice.  (Couldn't agree more Mr. Boortz.)

Goats think it's raining if you spray them with a water hose.  Stubborn goats that refuse to go back to their stall will do just that in a rain storm.

You accelerate MUCH faster downhill than uphill. 

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Picture of American Government Today!

The World According to Democrats

Democrats' Promises (only works on people who like Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga and vote Dem)

The Way Things REALLY Are

The Way Democrat Promises Will Turn (Are Turning) Out

Any questions?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Why won't this car move, and how can we fix it?

Please look at the simple illustration below.  The question to answer is why won't this car move?  How can we change this?  See the answers below.

Democrat:  The car won't move because of George W. Bush.  We should hit the pedal harder!

I'm sorry, Mr. Democrat. That is incorrect. 

Republican*:  The car is out of fuel, so hitting the pedal is pointless.  Fill the car with gas.

This is correct!  You see, you can't spend your way out of debt, and you can't create wealth by creating disincentives for productivity anymore than you can make an empty gas tank propel a car by slamming the gas pedal. 

*note: a 3 year old child could also get this answer correctly, as long as he/she has not been taught to think like a statist Democrat. 

Lessons from Mexico in Supply and Demand

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Best Summation of Kagan's Hatred of the US Military

If you watch this and still support Kagan for the US Supreme Court, I'd recommend having your doctor order a good CAT Scan of your brain...because something must be seriously wrong there.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fun with Picture Analogies


Taking out a bank loan

Any questions?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cause and Effect for Dummies (and Governments)

Cause and effect for Dummies.                          

Normal People Version

                              Cause                                  -------------->                               Effect

Government Version

Effect                                   <--------------                              Cause